This article is an excerpt
from RUSC Member's Area
I received a great e-mail the other day. It was from Michael Vance McCauley and here's what it said.
"I was born in 1962, so I missed the Golden Age Of Radio by just a few turns of the dial. I grew up hearing about the old shows, but never had the opportunity to listen to any of them until the late 1990s when I discovered a catalog from a company that sells old-time Radio shows. I bought a few sets of shows from them out of curiosity, and it did not take me long to get hooked.
By pure chance, I discovered RUSC a few months ago, and after taking advantage of the free samples, I became a member.
At this point, I am an addict, and the amount of time I listen to radio shows from RUSC is replacing the time I used to spend in front of the television...and then some. On my free days, I listen to six or seven hours worth of shows I've downloaded. To paraphrase Frost "radio show leads to radio show."
One good thing that has happened because of RUSC is how much breakfast, lunch and dinner time at our house has changed. Please allow me to explain: In our kitchen, we have the same Art Deco kitchen table and chairs that sat in the kitchen of my grandparents' house from the 1930s to the 1990s. It was at this very same table that my mother and my grandparents ate their meals and listened to the radio.
Over the holidays this year, we started eating in the kitchen again, sitting at the old table and listening to radio shows. We spent all day Christmas listening to the old Christmas specials I downloaded from RUSC as we opened presents, cooked and ate. Having the "radio" on instead of the television added a certain depth and quality to the holidays this year that we have not experienced in a long time.
This would not have been possible without the shows RUSC provides, and I wanted to thank you and RUSC.COM for the quality of your website. We've spent nearly two weeks with the shows at meal times now, and I think the habit we have developed will continue from now on.
If the old table could talk, I'm sure it would say that it is happy to be vibrating from some of the same old sound waves it knew so long ago."
Isn't that wonderful? Thanks for sending it, Michael.
It's always great to know that people still enjoy these great shows, but to think that they are still capable of entertaining the whole family is marvelous.
I'm sure there are many people who will assume that only old fogeys enjoy old radio shows, but it seems that these entertainment classics are just as appealing to youngsters as they are to oldies - and then there are all those middle-aged folk who either missed them the first time round or just caught the tail end of the golden age of radio.
Whatever age group you fall into I hope you continue to enjoy 'tuning-in' to RUSC for many years to come.
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