Old Time Radio Gift Subscription

Give a gift subscription to RUSC and you'll be giving three months, or even a whole years worth of good clean entertainment. 

It's really easy. Just follow the five steps below.



Step 1 Enter the details for the person to whom you are giving the gift subscription. We will use these to notify them of their gift.

Email Address of Recipient

First Name of Recipient

Last Name of Recipient

Step 2 Enter your details so that we can send a confirmation to you that the gift has been sent correctly.
Your Email Address
Your First Name
Your Last Name
Step 3 Enter the details below for how long you would like the subscription to last - it can be a quarter or a year - and also the date on which you'd like the subscription to start, Dec 25th 2014 for example.
Gift Subscription Length
Start Date
Step 4 Pick a password that your friend or relative will use to enter the RUSC members area. It needs to be at least 6 characters in length and can include letters or numbers.
Desired Password (at least 6 characters)
Repeat Password (at least 6 characters)
Step 5 Type in a message below. This will be sent with the e-mail that they receive on the day the subscription starts. Your message can be be up to 500 characters long.

PLEASE NOTE: All gift subscriptions are for one-off periods, i.e. they are not recurring. For example, if you give a gift subscription for a quarter you only pay for a single quarter as the subscription will then end automatically.

If you have any questions don't hesitate to send me an e-mail at